Listed below are some frequently asked questions about Froment Dynamometers that may be useful. For further questions or information please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Dynamometer FAQ's

Will the dynamometer work on all tractor sizes?
Yes, the adjustable software and shafts mean that Froment dynamometers can be used on most sizes of tractors, foragers and combines.

How long will the dynamometer work on full power?
Froment dynamometers will work on full power for about 10 minutes depending on ambient temperature and location. Please contact us for more information on specific models and ambients.

What size and how much do the dynamometers weigh?
For full size measurements please refer to the technical data sheets or drawings.

Where can I get spare parts?
We stock a range of spare parts and will happily send them to you directly. Please contact us for more information.

Do you offer training?
Yes, we offer various training packages either at Froment or on site. Please contact us for more information.

If any of your questions have not been answered please contact us and one of our sales or technical team members will be happy to help.